Disaster Safety

Short & Sweet

The Ask: Find a problem within the disaster safety category and create a solution for it.

The Problem: Being unprepared can lead to avoidable problems like panic buying.

The Solve: A collaboration between Judy and Goop to create a kit specifically for women.

The Ask: Find a problem within the disaster safety category and create a solution for it.

*I’m going to do the sections a bit differently for this case study due to how this assignment worked. Each group member had to present 1 idea to the class, and they would give us feedback on which one they felt we should move forward with. Initial thoughts will be up to when we presented to the class then My Approach will focus on the problem we selected.

Initial Thoughts:

My first thought upon being assigned disaster safety was, “What even is disaster safety?” I thought our group had gotten the hardest industry. My first idea was to do my go-to at the start of any project - a Google deep dive and scouring Reddit.

This is what my initial problems list looked like (I’m so glad I never deleted my notes):

  • Problem: overwhelming amount of information; how do you remember it all? Remembering things from childhood like "stop, drop, and roll." It's ingrained from the beginning, but as an adult, how do you ingrain everything you could possibly need to prepare for?

  • Why do people like watching disasters? Maria (a coworker) watching YouTube videos at work on top of Tsunamis.

  • Disaster tourism.

  • Do people want to feel better about themselves? "How we are constantly trying to see how our actions can differ from victims, in these scenarios, to feel safer ourselves."

  • Decline of survival instincts as the world’s evolved.

  • How hardwired are survival instincts?

  • Fight or flight mode in everyday situations.

  • Preppers and conspiracy theories.

  • How do we combat overbuying/stocking unnecessary items?

  • Panic buying and herd mentality.

The one I decided to present to the class was panic buying because I felt it was one most people would be familiar with. Also, someone on Reddit said in their area they call it “disaster French toast,” and I think that’s just the best description ever.

This problem was what the class felt was strongest, and what we focused on moving forward.

My Approach:

Moving forward, the thing I wanted to know more about was the reason behind people panic buying in a disaster. I was familiar with the sudden rush to buy groceries and water when a bad storm is coming, but during the pandemic we saw, what I think, is the worst panic buying we’ve seen in a while. Since this had been a global issue, there were a lot of good scientific articles surrounding why we panic buy, and the reason is fear. I also learned that we’re creating shortages that last beyond the disaster when we panic buy.

As we started working on our solution, we focused on how we could help people be more prepared for disasters. Our CW, Selma, was friends with these two guys who founded Hawaii Tracker, and she was able to set up a Zoom call with them.

Let me tell you that these guys were some of the coolest, most knowledgeable people I’ve ever had the pleasure of interviewing. After talking with them, I felt I had more of a sense of what else I needed to be researching in terms of what people need to be prepared for a disaster.

So I started reading forums on Reddit from preppers, and there was one in r/Preppers that just opened my eyes. The question was “Female Preppers: what considerations or concerns do you have that don't get enough attention?” and it was truly a life-changing read. There was just so much good information for women that I still think about to this day.

At our next group meeting, I brought up with our group about making women the target audience. As a group of all women, it was easy to start pulling from our own experiences and lack of preparation for emergencies to figure out what a solution might look like.

During the brainstorming session, our AD, Jade, stumbled upon this brand called Judy. It already offered a number of the ideas we had come up with, and I personally just fell in love with the brand. While it did seem like they had everything you could need, they were lacking anything tailored specifically for women.

After talking with our professors, they suggested we partner Judy with another brand because they are still relatively new. So we chose Goop as our brand partner. We talked through some other options, but Goop just made the most sense.

The reasons being:

  • Goop's primary audience is women, and they cover a variety of topics related to women’s wellness.

  • They’re a recognizable brand.

  • It would be a good PR move for them.

  • People are going to talk about the collab regardless of if they approve of Goop or not.

The Finished Product:

The Goop x Judy Gooudy Bags. The bags are made with Judy’s signature waterproof material and contain items necessary for women during a disaster.

For marketing the collaboration, we would have pop-ups and utilize Goop's social media to start the discussion about emergency preparedness for women.

The Team

CW: Dipanshi Agarwal

AD: Taylor Martin

AD: Regan O’Donnell

CBM: Ruby Shan

My Role

Lead Strategist
1:1 Interviews
Deck Flow + Narrative
Category research


West Virginia Tourism x Red Bull